Friday, August 22, 2008

Moved in..Day one!

Note: This blog should be backdated to 17th August 2008.
So! I am all moved in at the new apartment. Its great. Tv..check, DVDs...check, geyser..check, gas..check, clothes..check, me...check?! I was there but not there. I was looking out of the window and wondering how this was going to turn out. After everything was set up, my family were going back home and I wanted to go with them :( I missed them already! How was I going to live without them. Yes, I have lived away from home before but that knowledge doesnt make it any easier. I love them mucho and will miss them terribly when I come home to an empty apartment. Ahh and yes! another reason that I want to be back home is because my doggie just gave birth (on 11th aug) to 4 puppies (2 black and 2 white) and Oooooooooo! are they cute!!!!! It will be a week tomorrow and they havent even opened their eyes. I wanted to be there when they do! Now I dont think I will be though :( But one consolation I do have is that I can meet them whenever I feel like it and its only a matter of few hours.
The home looks broken looks cozy and inviting. Is it? We'll have to live and find out.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Home sweet home

There is God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In the search for places, I hit Diamond (or watever that is better than gold coz there are some arguments that diamond isnt better than gold becoz gold appreciates in value and u can melt it...blah blah....)!!!!
After dragging my parents with me to see places and seeing homes that were horrible, I thought I would never find a place that I would like and that I would regretfully (or so it would seem) pack my bags and go to NYU but magic and a wait until 6pm in the evening to see a place, the broker showed us this place. Ahhhhhh! I felt at home at once...I wanted to hit the broker on his head and ask him why he didnt show this first...dummy! But! no harm done...better late than never! :)
Cost of
renting the place: Rs. XX
moving to the place: Rs. YY
View (yes! view!) from the place: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
That place has a stunning view the world!!!!!!!!!!!! I will wake up to a view, make tea to a view and watch TV to a view! Amazing!!!!! Me so happpyyyyy!!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Chawl anyone? would think that all is set and that I am looking forward to school starting. Hmmm...WRONG! I am NOT all set and am definitely NOT looking forward to traveling in the train every morning from home all the way to my college....aahhhh! I will go insane. Looking for a place nearby college is driving me nuts...ppl are showing me homes that look like chawls...if something looks like a chawl..its definitely a chawl, people! Dammnit!!!! I dont understand why getting a decent place is such a chore. I've already laid down my specs (very realistic) for an apartment, all the broker has to do is see if it matches...but nooooooo....they will show me sh** and expect me to "chala lenge na"!!!! Argggghhhhh!!!!
Well, hopefully before college starts this monday, I will atleast find a place in which I dont feel neighboring eyes boring down on me and watching my every move. I truly hope finding a place gets easier by the day and that I will definitely hit GOLD!!!!!!! No? wat abt silver??? :/

Que Sera Sera I've decided that I shud stay in India and get an MBA rather than go to NYU for MS. You might ask, reasons?? So that I can be closer to my family and an MBA is better than a MS...ppl vary on this opinion but with my background MBA will help me diversify.
It breaks my heart to decide against NYU but I have to think of what is ahead of me with an MS. First, I have to grow a money tree in my backyard, shake it every few weeks just to survive in the 'Most expensive city in the US'. Secondly, spend countless hours in laboratory, only to end up getting an measly 'assistant to the assistant researcher' job in a laboratory.....hmmm...!! Why did I apply then? I had applied for a PhD program but was offered MS. PhD, I was ready to do....yes, firstly it would have been "on the house" and yes..again countless hours in the laboratory but atleast I would start at a good position when I apply for a job and not to forget the respect that comes with it.
So if I do go for the MS, I can either go for a PhD later (for which I dont think I have the patience for) or I can go for an MBA to better my qualifications. But ohhh lookie lookie!! I am getting into an MBA now without the two (or so) year why struggle for the next few years, getting an MS and then work to get into a MBA.....I will go into it now...head on!!!!!!! so I come.
And on, I have decided to leave it to destiny...... "Que sera sera!!!"
P.S. I was being selfish in this was more for me than you...helped me get my thoughts straight, you see! :D